November Favourites

The days are getting darker and colder and all you want to do it drink hot drinks and sit in bed, it must be November. I've been focused on uni work and preparing for Christmas shopping this month, but have still managed the time to find some favourite things for my November monthly favourites list. Hope you all enjoy this short but sweet list of things I'm loving right now.  

India X

Fashion & Beauty 

Slytherin Jumper - One of my friend got me this Slytherin Jumper from Primark for my birthday and it's so comfortable and I just love it. It's great for jumper season if you don't want a knitted jumper, but it keeps you really warm as well as being green (my favourite colour) and has the Slytherin crest embellished on the front. Literally my perfect jumper, I'll be wearing it all winter. 

Barry M Molten Metal Nail Paint - I'm a fan of the new 'metal' makeup craze that's bee happening this year, and I saw this beautiful Barry M Molten Metal nail collection a while ago and thought they were all gorgeous. I only grabbed myself one in the shade 'Blue Glacier', which is a stunning metallic blue/gray colour. I only just got around to trying it and i adore it. The cold blue shade is absolutely perfect for winter and I can't wait to try out some festive wintery themed nail designs with it. 

The Body Shop Shimmer Mist - Quite a while ago now I bought this Glazed Apple Shimmer Mist from The Body Shop, and I've been waiting for it to get closer to Christmas before I use it. Although there is't a massive amount of shimmer to this mist, it still smells gorgeous, just like spiced apples (and I love the smell of apples). I'm loving using it now it's close to Christmas because every time I get a sniff of it on me I instantly feel more festive. 

Harry Potter Makeup Brushes - For my birthday I got a set of 10 Harry Potter Makeup Brushes, which are amazing. Being a massive fan of Harry Potter and a massive fan of makeup, this was literally the perfect gift for me. If you know someone who loves both Harry Potter and makeup, then I highly recommend getting these for them, or why not just get them for yourself. 

Film, TV & Music 

Stranger Things - Obviously the second season of Strange Things came out recently, so me and my boyfriend binge watched it this month, but I must confess that I hadn't seen the first reason until now as well. It took us two and a half days to watch all 17 episodes and now I'm obsessed with it. I'm always really slow when it comes to watching series that everyone talks about, but when I eventually get around to watching them, I don't know why I made myself wait so long. Can't wait for season 3 now! 

Binging With Babish - This guy is my new favourite Youtuber. If you haven't seen any of the Binging With Babsih videos, he makes food dishes from movies and TV shows and then recreates them in his own style, that might sound weird but it's great fun to watch. Some of my favourite videos of his are recreating the 'moist maker' thanksgiving sandwich from Friends and his video trying to recreate the 'szechuan sauce' from Rick and Morty. He makes me laugh so that pretty much sells any Youtuber for me. 

Food & Drink 

Spiced Cookie Latte - McDonalds currently have their Christmas menu, which contains a couple of new hot drinks, one of which is a delicious Spiced Cookie Latte. I don't buy myself coffees that regularly because of the price, I don't want to spend £3 or more on a coffee a day, but these tasty McDonalds drinks are super cheap and taste just as good as a Starbucks or Costa. I'm definitely gonna be disappointed when they stop selling this deliciously sweet and perfectly spiced latte. 

Granola Mix - I like to think I'm quite a healthy person but in reality I am definitely not, but I do try. One thing I've been doing over the last few weeks is getting some yoghurt (I like the Light & Free blueberry yoghurt) and putting a big spoonful of Morrisons The Best Granola Mix, which contains oat and wheat flakes,dried cranberries, dried cherries, almonds and chocolate buttons. It's perfect for lunch as I can pop the yoghurt and a little pot of granola in my bag and i'm good to go. 


Fireworks - October and November are the most firework filled month so there's a firework display somewhere nearly every night. Fireworks make me feel festive because you're out in the cold wearing warm clothes and drinking hot drinks, it starts to get me into the Christmas vibe. I especially love photographing fireworks with my camera, I love the light and the colours of fireworks as they always create really interesting shots. 

Cosmopolitan - I like buying magazines, although I only tend to buy them to flick through when i'm bored, not to actually read, but I bought a Cosmopolitan this month just for a look through. I grabbed it because the front cover was super cute, pastel pink and blue with a stunning Megan Fox in a fluffy coat, I couldn't resist. I actually enjoyed flicking through this mag over the last couple weeks and this months issue even had a mention of my hometown Margate in it. 

Tash - The 'Tash' in question is my amazing best friend Natascha. She's an incredible friend and she's been amazing this month and thought she deserved a mention on my November favourites list, love you Tash <3 


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