A quick introduction

Hello there, my name is India Rose and welcome to my blog! And this is my face...

After joining university to study Photography and having to make a blog for my Cultural studies, I decided it might be an interesting idea to start my own personal blog to write about whatever pleases me (rather than writing about the industrial revolution and Noam Chomsky, which I had to do for my other blog).

After I created and designed my new blog, I was very stuck as to what to write for this very first blog post, so as any normal 19 year old these days, I googled the solution and came across a few ideas for my introductory blog post. The most inviting idea to me was to pretend I'd met someone at a coffee shop for the first time and they asked me to talk about myself. Although I'd probably never talk to a stranger in a coffee shop I liked the idea for a blog post and thought it was an easy option to get any information about myself out in the open now.

So here are a few answers to them burning question I know you all desperately want to ask (Joking i'm sure no one cares, but i'm going to answer them anyway.)

As I said previously my name (or the name I am choosing to introduce myself with) is India Rose, I am 19 years old, an October baby and i'm studying Photography and Moving Image at Northbrook college in Worthing, if you don't know where that is it's about 10 miles West of Brighton. I'm originally from Margate, which is around 110 miles and a 2 and half hour drive from where I live now, which means i'm miles and miles away from my friends, family and everything I've ever known, but so far the experience of living far from home has been alright, could be better but it could always be a lot worse.

I'm a music lover, rock music mostly with the occasional pop banger and dubstep track, but anything with a drum beat and an electric guitar and i'm there. And when I say rock music I mean rock, screamo, indie, hardcore, pop punk and whatever else that isn't on normal mainstream radio, I'm not going to list every type of music I like so I use them all under the genre of rock, now please don't get upset by this, I know many people have a controversy about what gene certain bands come under and stuff but i don;t care what genre you want to call it, i'll listen to it anyway. My favourite out of all the bands I listen to are a fairly well known band called All Time Low, heard of them? Eargasm to say the least and I don't care if that sounds unprofessional. If you like All Time Low you'll know what I mean.

Image result for all time low

Steering away from music onto something else i'm rather passionate about...Food. Pizza is the love of my life (sorry boyfriend but it's true, pizza is more important), now I know a fair few people who don't really like pizza so the simple solution to this problem is to stop being their friend, I don't have time for their skinny asses. Coffee is another love of mine, but don't take this the wrong way, i'm rarely in a coffee joint like Costa or Starbucks, when I say I love coffee I mean I love waking up in the morning feeling all groggy and BAM! A cup of  coffee and i'm raring to go (sort of), it's magical.
Not so big on chocolate, i'm not the type of girl who craves a load of chocolate while on her period, i'd rather eat a tonne of noodles from a Chinese takeaway washed down with a vodka and coke. I do love a bit of sugar though, do you remember that episode of Drake and Josh where Josh turns the whole bedroom into a Willy Wonka style candy room? That candy floss pillow they had was literally all I ever wanted in life.

Image result for drake and josh candy room

Lastly i'm going to mention my love for a few things nerdy. Oh yeahh I can be a mega fangirl for Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Sherlock, so much that sometimes I get so defensive about them that I genuinely have fall outs with people over it. I also enjoy a good book, but reading seems to be at the bottom of my list now that i'm at university, but I love reading and I miss it sometimes. I might go more into my love for these things in another blog post because I just looked up at how much I wrote so far and it's seems like quite a bit for a first blog post.

Image result for harry potter

Thank you to anyone who has read this far and for taking the time to learn a little about myself, much appreciated, especially if you come back for my next post to see what i ramble on about then. Now this is me ending my very first blog post with a BANG!

~All images are from Google images~


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