Moving away from home.

If you read my very first blog post then you'll already know that last September I moved about 110 miles away from my home in Margate to study Photography in Worthing at Northbrook College. I've always wanted to move away from home for university, but after doing so I've realized how it was the best and worst decision of my life. Most of my closest friends stayed in Kent to go to Uni, they got to stay in the familiar place I sometimes wish I was at still, but I talk to them regularly and go back home whenever I can so we can have a drink and a catch-up sesh. And as much as I hate to admit it, I miss my mum sometimes, it was hard going from living with her for 18 years to not seeing her at all for weeks on end. It's hard adapting to such big changes like this, especially at first when you don't know anyone so you sit alone in your room when you feel like you need someone there the most. 

I guess this is the start of adulthood, independence is always the best way to welcome someone to the adult world, and it definitely works, it's taught me many things so far, mostly that I hate living with people that steal your milk and spend hours in the bath. Food shopping can be quite fun, as I've never had a fridge full of all the food I liked at home. You'll probably expect my cupboards to be filled with crap and junk food, but actually I've been eating healthier now more than ever. I always have fruit or veg in my room, but that doesn't mean I still don't have a microwave meal or a takeaway every now and then. Living on your own isn't as hard as it seems. 

A few things I've noticed about being away from home
  • Always missing your favourite places back home
  • My room back home isn't mine anymore
  • Missing your friends everyday 
  • It's hard coming back after spending a week at home 
  • You can't bring every single possession with you 
  • My fridge is never as full as my mums
  • You lose touch with some people
  • You miss your mums cooking
  • Dealing with adult responsibilities 
  • You spend much longer on the phone/Facetime 
  • You consider moving back home a lot 
  • You miss your home town more then you'd ever imagine

Despite all these things that suck about not living at home anymore, I still love living here in Worthing and going to uni to learn and experience things I couldn't have experienced in Margate. You get new opportunities from moving away from home, as well as new friends and new scenery, and despite missing your friends and family and having them days when you just want to drive back home, I highly recommend moving away from home for university. You may never get a chance to do something like this again so if you're in the position to move away from home to study your favourite subject, do it in one of your favourite cities. Trust me when I say although it's scary at first, but you'll settle down quick enough and start making some great memories. 

Thank you for reading this little blog post, hope you took something from it or remembered when you were at university. 

India X 


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