My Favorite Place To Be

Everyone has their own favourite place, whether it's your bed or some exotic holiday resort in another country, it depends on the type of person you are. As for me, my favourite place to be is my hometown, Margate. I took this place for granted once I moved for uni, my whole life i'd spent in Margate and suddenly I was miles away from everything I had ever known and it hit me quite hard. For nearly 19 years I'd lived in Margate and all my memories have been formed here, including memories from last summer (first summer I was 18) which I spent mostly along the seafront of Margate with my closest friends until the sun came up. All my memories from growing up and starting school and making friends were carved from this one town, so when I moved away it was as if I was leaving that all behind me. 

I miss hanging out on the white steps with my best friends late at night and drinking hot chocolate in my favourite bar and and spending hours in Wetherspoons until they closed for the night. All these things are the reason Margate is my favourite place in the world, every good and bad memory, every first time and best time, they all happened in this one small town, a town very special to me. Most people say they can't get away from this place and go as far away as possible, and they don't believe me when I tell them they're gonna miss this place more than they think. I was one of them people who wanted to get away and go somewhere different, but 6 months later I have a whole new perspective on leaving home. 

It feels great to be back though (I'm currently back home sitting on the sofa as I write this) and i'm probably not gonna want to leave on Sunday but I know i'm going to have to and go back to normality. 


If you have the opportunity to go somewhere new, I say take it, go to new places and meet new people and have new experiences, but you'll always miss home, not matter how much you think you hate being stuck there now, you'll soon realize that being home is the best feeling in the world. 

India X 


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