Beauty And The Beast Review

I'm not the biggest Disney fan ever, I have to admit, but I do love certain Disney movies. When I heard the Emma Watson was staring as Belle, I automatically new I was going to watch it as soon as I could. So on the 18th March, the day after it was released, I went to the cinema to watch what I was already sure would be a good film. With my popcorn and Haribos in my hand, I was ready and waiting. 

This re-vamped classic Disney movie was great to watch, reliving the same old songs and characters was a true throwback. But that's one downside I found with the movie...It was exactly the same as the 1991 cartoon version. Some scenes are nearly word by word or the original and visually the sets and locations were very similar as well. When I hear there's going to be a new Disney remake, I hope that there'll be some sort of new material and not an exact real life replica (I also noticed this when I saw the new Jungle Book last year). The 2015 Cinderella movie, also a remake of a classic Disney movie, in my opinion was more interesting to me because they steered away from copying everything from the cartoon and went their own way. I wish I had seen some of the in this Beauty and the Beast remake(with the exception of the added parts about Belles mother). I enjoyed it just as much as the first time I watched it. 

Belles character , and I said this filled with regret, just can't sing. Emma Watson may be an incredible, beautiful and influential woman, who's a graduate of Brown University modeled for Burberry has worldwide fame because of her Harry Potter role, but she just cannot sing. Her singing voice had little emotion and joy, most likely auto-tuned, musicals need to be filled with passion and strong voice, but Belles voice lacked everything. 

On the more positive side, an absolutely incredible cast, including Sir Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor and Emma Thompson. Although they had limited screen time, I think the object made the movie, Lumiere and Cogsworth stole the movie, a comical pair that brought a good contrast to this adaptation. 

I visually really loved it, the sets and prop and costumes were stunning, I heard some complaints that Belles ballgown wasn't nearly as extravagant as before, and I have to agree, but still the costumes were beautiful. Another complaint I heard was the the Beasts horns were too big, bigger than in the cartoon, but I have to ask why does that matter? Some people seemed to be so shocked by this one tiny detail, but honestly some Disney fanatics need to calm down, It doesn't have to be a splitting image of before, like I said i would have loved to have seen it mixed up a bit. 

Despite the few things I disliked about this movie, I'd still recommend it, and It's definitely fit for your little Disney fans. I look forward to see what else Disney brings out in the next few years. 

India X


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