What I pack when I go home

Since starting university I've had to pack several times to come back home for a week or weekend, firstly packing way too much but now realizing I only need to pack the essentials to ensure my bag isn't heavier then me when I lug it back on the train. This blog post is going to list all the essential things I take back home and a few tips to make sure you're only packing what you can carry and what you need.

Shoes - Normally I would bring 2-3 pairs of shoes if i'm going for a week, making sure they go with the clothes I have packed, but the last couple of times I went back home I wore the same pair of shoes everyday, which was a total waste of time and next time i'll take this into consideration when I'm packing. 
Top Tip! If you have a particularly heavy pair of shoes you want to pack, wear them on the journey rather than trying to stuff them in your bag. 

Laptop & charger - This is one of the most important things to take with me so I still have something to do when I'm bored at home, it's also usually the last item I pack but one of the items I need to pack in my bag first, so I always have to repack my bag at the last minute to fit my laptop in safely. 

A book - A book is always a useful thing to have when travelling, and when i'm on a train for three hours, this is usually an important thing to have in my bag, as I can also read the book at home. But to be fair who am I kidding, I hardly ever read anymore these days, but it's a good thing to have just in case. 

Make up - Obviously i'll need my makeup bag if i'm going home for a week, but before i pack it I usually take out the things I know I won't need (I really don't need to bring 5 mascaras with me) and put in some items that I don't normally keep in my make up bag, like my foundation, beauty blender and make up brushes. 
Top Tip! If I have a smaller product or a miniature I will always back that instead of the full-sized product. This gives you more space in your bag and makes it much lighter. 

Jeans/Skirts - I'm more of a jeans person but I put skirts as well in case I know i'm going to be wearing one. One pair of jeans is enough for me but sometimes i'll take 2 just in case I feel like switching it up, the same with the skirt, which I'll only pack if I know i'll be going somewhere I want to be a little dressed up for. 

Shirts - 4 - 5 shirts is usually enough, but it's the same with the shoes where I just want to wear the same 2 shirts all week, but I like knowing I have the option of wearing something else for when I need to go somewhere unexpected. Normally I pack a couple of t-shirts and a couple of blouses, and if it's cold maybe a jumper.

Coat/Jacket - I normally only need one to bring coat or jacket, and i'll most likely be wearing it on the journey so I don't even need to pack this item, I just need to remember to wear it when I leave. 
Top Tip! One coat or jacket should be enough, so think about which of your outer items goes best with what clothes you've packed and what you'll be doing while you're there to avoid lugging unnecessary items around.

Washbag - Obviously a washbag is priority, and it contains the essentials like toothbrush, hairbrush, and again miniature products like toothpaste, moisturizer and face washes. If i have enough room I also like to pack my perfumes in there, if they don't fit I keep them in my handbag, so I know they won't smash or break. 

Bag - When I go back home I always have a night out with my group of friends, so I need to remember to pack my 'night out' bag so I don't have to take my big handbag out when I go and get drunk (This once resulted in me losing half the items in my handbag because I had a drunk moment of throwing everything out of my bag). So now I make sure I take my much smaller bag, with only the very essentials in. 

Underwear - Obviously I need to make sure I have enough clean underwear so I pack as many for how many day's i'll be going or, so if i'm home for a week i'll bring 7 pairs of socks etc. 
Top Tip! Pack your underwear last so that you can stuff it into the gaps in your bag, don't forget to put some into your shoes as well. 

Lipsticks - You might think I'd count lipsticks under make up, but the thing is I have a lipstick obsession, so I need to pack them separately, because I usually take about 5-6. Different colours, matte lipstick, liquid lipsticks, lip crayons, I need to make sure I have enough options. 

Earphones - Earphones are possible one of the most important things to remember to take with you. They're essential for the train rides, listening to your music loudly when you're mum is around, or just ease when having a hands free phone call. Never forget to pack earphones or headphone, they can be a life saver. 

So here is everything I would pack to take with me when I'm going back home for a week, sometimes these things vary depending on how long I'm going for and what I'm doing while I'm there. I hope this was somewhat useful or interesting for you to read. 

India X  


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