March Favourites

March has been filled with lots of hard work and a lot of lazy days in bed, and lazy days mean a lot of binge watching TV programs and rummaging through Spotify. Bought some more cute things this month that I'm in love with and yeahh, hope you enjoy this! 

Fashion & Beauty 

New shoes - AT the end of last month I was looking around for a pair of heeled black boots to daytime and nighttime wear, and most the boots in New look took my fancy, but as I have small feel only two pairs actually fitted me. I chose the pair of cute heeled black ankle boots with a buckle at the top, and although they're slightly painful to walk in they were super cheap and so cute. 

Coloured eyeliner - I own quite a few coloured eyeliners but only wear them occasionally, and after feeling like my daily make up needed some more colour, I started using some of my colourful pencil eyeliners more and like how it glams up my eyes. My blue one is definitely my favourite. 

New Bag - I've wanted a new handbag for months so I tarted looking around properly, the only problem is I am very picky when it comes to bags. Most of what I saw in the shops were really not to my liking, but TKMax proved to have some more likable bags, and I snatched up a £20 Curuba bag that was just perfect. Small, simple and my kind of colours and I love it so much. 

Sun Glasses - Now that the sun is coming out more, my sunglasses are coming out more too. I wanted to up my sunglasses game this spring so instead of just wearing my fave ones from last year, I got a new pair from primark. Just a simple black and silver framed Ray Ban lookalikes, which will do nicely in my small collection. 

Lip Stain - I've had this 17 Berry Crush Lip Stain for about a year now but never really liked it much because it never applied that well. But I didn't know what to put on my lips a couple of weeks ago so I tried this again, because I like the colour and how it looks, so I got past the dry spongy applicator tip and it actually looks nice, so I keep in my handbag most days for when I want to have some colour on my lips. 

Film, TV & Music 

Last Young Renegade - So All Time Low dropped another new track and video this month called 'Last Young Renegade', also what the new album will be named, and I'm loving it so much, in my opinion it's way better than Dirty Laundry and has a cute video to go with it. It's a classic sounding ATL song, everything about it screams All Time Low. All these new songs are getting me excited for new album in June. 

Coldplay & Chainsmokers - I'm not the biggest Coldplay fan, and you may know i'm not the biggest fan of pop music either, but The Chainsmokers and Coldplays new track Something 'Just Like This' is actually quite a good tune. When I first heard it I wasn't too sure, but after a few more listens I finally started to enjoy it. 

Beauty and the Beast - You may have seen my post where I reviewed the new Beauty And The Beast movie, and looking back I think I was rather mean about the movie, because to be honest it wasn't bad and I definitely did enjoy it. I've loved reading what other people thought of it and it's made me quite excited for future movies that Disney and making. 

Orange is the New Black - I'm very late on the band wagon with this one, but I only just watched Orange Is The New Black on Netflix, and I loved it way more than I thought. The first season was fantastic and I slowly got more and more obsessed and ended up watching all 4 seasons a lot quicker than I intended to. 


Innocent smoothie - I have recently fallen in love with an amazing Innocent super smoothie, it's the invigorate one and it contains kiwi, lime, matcha green tea, wheatgrass and flax seeds along with loads of vitamins. It's honestly so delicious, even though it may not sound it, and it's great for your body too, so there's literally nothing bad about it, except maybe the price, it is a little on the pricey side but it's so worth it.

Healthy eating - I've always been fairly healthy, but this month I've just loved buying fruit and veg. My favourite things to buy to snack on are berries, mostly blueberries, mixed with raspberries on a chopped banana, or carrot stick dipped in hummus. Dried fruit is a lot easier than fresh fruit as you can keep it for a lot longer and don't ever have to worry about it going soft, it's literally perfect. So every time I go to do my weekly shop, I've been trying to buy as much fruit and veg as possible. 


Netflix - Okay so I may sound like a total loser but I may have only just got Netflix, and I've been totally binging out on it. I've spent way too much time in front of my TV when I totally should have been getting on with work. Although the movies on there aren't that great, the series they have on there are brilliant.  

New tattoos - I wrote a blog post about this, so you may be aware of my new tattoos, but I just love them loads, so they made the cut onto my favourite things. If you want to read about my tattoos you should check the blog post out here


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