Life Gets In The Way

It's been a while since I last posted an update on Blogger, and that's because life has given me a bunch of other things that unfortunately override blogging. I've mostly just been focusing on Uni work, over the last 4 months I've had to photograph for 5 separate modules of work, photograph and edit costumes, hair and makeup students work, 5 workbooks of research and planning and a 1,500 word essay on the male gaze. Not to mention a laptop meltdown and losing everything on my hard drive, resulting in having to buy a new laptop and hard drives, unfortunately losing most of what was on my old laptop. It's been quite a busy few months but it's finally deadline week and I've only got a couple things left to hand it, leaving me with plenty of spare time to blog again. I'll have finished my first year of university in two weeks and I'll have a 3 and a half month summer holiday to fill with activities. Besides the summer photography project my tutor gave me, I should have enough time to blog weekly again, I'm looking forward to getting back into blogging and coming up with more interesting and exciting blog posts. 


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