Photography Experimenting

Because I'm a photography student(as well as being a fairly creative and experimental person), I like to try out new things and see what looks good and what doesn't, and over the summer I did some experimenting with some different photographic techniques. Below I have a few of the thing's I've been trying out for you lot to look at (if anyone is actually reading my blog, which I highly doubt, but here they are nonetheless.) 

These Photographs are sort of double exposure, where I have overlapped mostly firework photography with some landscape/sunset photographs and some other photographs I have taken. 

And here are some photographs I took using a home made filter, which I made using two sheets of clear plastic with some sequins in the middle to create some interesting colours. 

These last photographs are taken using some heart and star shaped bokeh filters which are supposed to make the light appear in the shapes of hearts and stars, unfortunately it didn't turn out quite how I wanted, but this is the result. 


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