Why I Love October

There are two main reasons why I love October so much; Halloween and my birthday. I was blessed with having been born only 11 days before Halloween, which not only means a lot of my favourite things are sold on my birth month, but I have a great excuse to have a spooky Halloween/Birthday celebration every year. I love dressing up and skulls so I love having my birthday so close so Halloween and having an excuse to go all out and have great birthday celebrations while forcing all my friends to dress up with me. As I said, one bonus is that I get a lot of Halloween themed products come out around my birthday, so I always get gifted some or go out and buy some with whatever money I get, plus it makes it a lot easier for my friends and family to buy present they know I'll love. And who doesn't love Halloween anyway? Everyone likes to dress up sometimes, whether you celebrate Halloween or not, who doesn't want to go all-out creepy,  complete with FX makeup and fake blood, or just a simple autumn themed makeup look with some orange and copper eyeshadow and dark berry lips. I know I definitely love doing both. 

I also love the Halloween and autumn festivities like carving pumpkins and baking and drinking hot beverages. It makes me feel like a child again to scoop out the innards of a huge pumpkin and spend ages trying to carve out the perfect design onto the front. Baking is always great as well, especially during autumn and winter as it's the time for cinnamon and ginger and all the other warm, sweet spices, so baking gingerbread and pumpkin spice cupcakes is literally the best. And obviously everyone is heading to Starbucks to get a pumpkin spice latte, apart from me as I'm a pumpkin spice latte virgin, but I do love drinking more coffee, tea and hot chocolate to keep me warm when the weather is getting colder (I can barely understand how some people don't drink any hot drinks, what do they drink during the autumn and winter?!?) Halloween is a much bigger event in America and I've seen that some of their activities include hayrides, apple picking and pumpkin picking, and although I know you can do these things in England, they don't seem to be quite as common as out in the states, but they sound super autumnal and really festive. Not to mention the other autumn festivities like conker collecting, apple cider, autumn leaf photographs, berry lipsticks, wearing jumpers and binge watching Halloween movies. It's simply just the best time of year.

So as it's mid-way through October now, I can barely contain my excitement for the upcoming few weeks, It's going to be filled with Halloween decorating, dressing up, baking, vodka, presents and partying! I hope everyone else has a good October, whether you're celebrating Halloween or just having a cozy autumnal month, make sure it's full of cinnamon and pumpkin spice! 

India X 


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