Baby Name Tag

This blog post is a little different but i'm going with it anyway. You may be familiar with the Baby Name tag that has been going around on Youtube, along with the Baby Names I Like But Wont Be Using tag, and I though I'd do this tag myself. I'm not pregnant and have no kids or plans to have kids, but I just really like picking baby names and this seemed like something interesting to do. I really enjoyed watching SprinkleOfGlitter and FleurDeForce recently do the Baby Name tag, and I hope you enjoy mine, feel free to answer some of the questions in the comments or if you have any baby names you like comment them for me.

India X 

1. What is your favourite boy and girl's name from the top UK names list? (I used this list I found here
My pick of the girls name from the list is Amelia, mostly because of Amy Pond from Doctor Who, but I do genuinely like the name, it means 'defender' and I think it's important to have a strong name. My pick of a boys name is Jack, which is just a classic name but I love it. Characters like Jack Sparrow and Jack Skellington have drawn me towards liking the name since I was a child. 

2. What is your least favourite boy and girl's name from the top UK names list?
I just want to say that I don't dislike the 2 names I chose, the only reason I picked these two names is because they're very common and I personally know a lot of people with these names, therefore they're the names on the list then i'm least likely to ever use. The two names that are my least favourite on the list are Sophie & William. 

3. If you had twins, what would you name them? (G/G, B/B, B/G)
My 2 girl twins would be called Evalina & Rosalina because they both end in 'lina' and when you say the names together they roll off the tongue nicely. My 2 boy twins would be called Wolf & Foxx because these names are just great and again they go together because they're both canine names and I like that. My boy and girl twins would be called Forrest & Thorn, I think they sound amazing together, especially since they're both woodsy, fairytale type names. 

4. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
I honestly can't think of a single thing I would change my name to, although I'm not a great lover of my name, I wouldn't know what to change it to if I had the opportunity. I would be more likely to change my last name than my first, I would change it to something shorter, as I have 2 last names, but again I don't know what i'd even change it to if I had the chance. 

5. You have 4 children, any gender. Their first names all have to start with the same letter. What would their names be?
I chose 3 girls names and a boys name, all beginning with the letter A, and the names are Autumn, Aurora, Arabella & Alexander. I love all of these names, but in all honesty if I had triplets, I would not name then all with the same letter. 

6. What's your favourite animal-inspired name?

I Love the name Phoenix for a boy, and I love a lot of animal-inspired names(as you can tell from this list) but Phoenix has always been my favourite baby name for a boy. A phoenix is a mythical bird which can be reborn from it'w own ashes and I love the idea of that and really love it being the meaning of a name. 

7. What's your favourite colour-inspired name?
Turquoise is the only name I could think of that I would actually call my child, I think it's because it's interesting and different and that's exactly why I like it. Turquoise is also one of my favourite colours so why not name your daughter that, although I can't imagine calling my daughter Green. 

8. What are your top 3 favourite boy names?
My top 3 favourite names for boys are Phoenix, Tyger & Foxx (and yes I know they're spelt different but I like that). You can clearly see I like animal names for boys, as I mentioned above, I have no idea why I like them so much, I just like uncommon names I guess. 

9. What are your top 3 favourite girl names?
My top 3 favourite names for girls are Evalina, Marceline & October, and once again I don;t really know why I like these names so much, you just don;t hear them much, which I like. I like girls names that end in 'lina' and 'ella' because they sound like fairytale names to me, like a princess' name. 

10. What is your favourite celebrity baby name? 
I don't know many celebrity baby names so I had to google a list of celeb baby names to find some. 2 names that I liked, both girls names, from the list was Evangeline, daughter of Dylan Farrow and Dana Silver, and Luna, daughter of John Legend and Chrissy Teigan. 

11. What is your ultimate guilty pleasure name? 
Aurora is one of my guilty pleasure names because it's my favourite Disney princess' name, and I think it should be totally acceptable to name your child after your favourite Disney character. 

12. What are your most hated baby names?
I honestly don't have a most hated baby name, nor would I say what it is as I don't want to offend anyone by saying I hate their name. I will say that the names I don't find very exciting are common names, as I much prefer original and interesting names. I know that some people like simpler names, it's not that I hate them, I just personally wouldn't use them myself is all. 

13. Choose a baby name based on a food/drink.
A couple of food related names I like are Cinnamon & Ginger, which are both spices but they also kinda sound like stripper names to me, so I probably won't use them, although I do like to eat both of them. 

14. Choose a baby name based on a month. 
I love the name October, probably because it's the best month of the year (and my birth month) but I would only be able to call my child October if they were born in October, otherwise tat would just make no sense. I also want to use it as a girls name, as I know it can be used as both, but I like it more as a girls name. 

15. Choose a baby name from Twilight.
I must confess I have only seen the first Twilight and I can only remember Bella and Edwards name, so I again had to do some googling to find out the characters names. I found the name Rosalie, which I like as it sounds similar to the name Rosalina, which I've already listed somewhere above. 

16. Choose a name that is already in your family.
I chose the name Rose, which is already my middle name, which came from my nans middle name Rosina, so therefore it's not just part of my name, it's also part of my nans name. I would definitely name my daughter Rose or Rosie if it wasn't already my middle name. 


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