A Roundup of 2017

2017 has gone so quickly, it feels like only last week I was watching fireworks over the beach of Margate as it went from 2016 to 2017. Although the year seems to have gone super quick, quite a bit has happened over the last 365 days, the majority of which I can't even remember, but some moments I will remember for ages. 

I remember some things like getting a couple of new tattoos, dying my hair many crazy colours, finishing my first year of Uni and getting to meet comedian Jo Brand! I also got to do some new things like go to Screamland in October for Halloween, and earlier in the summer I saw Jess Glynn perform there for free, not to mention I stopped being a teenager and turned 20(ew). I also started this blog back in February of 2017, and have posted 44 blog post, after totally forgetting to post anything for a few months in spring, but since august I have managed to keep my blog posts frequent and hopefully interesting enough for people to actually read them. Besides trying to build up my blog following, I've also managed to gain around 400 Instagram followers since March 2017, and although I did have a goal to try and get to 1,000 before the end of the year, I have set that aside to try and complete by the end of February 2018, as I currently have 800 and something. I also decided that in 2018 I will keep to a blogging schedule, posting on Mondays and Fridays every week. Overall the year has been a good one and I got to spend time doing what I love with a lot of people I love. 

I just hope that 2018 will contain just as many exciting and new experiences for me and my friends as 2017 did! I hope everyone has a great New Years and an amazing 2018. 

India X 


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