Meals I Cook At Uni | Garlic Prawn Tagliatelle

Today I thought I'd share a meal I like to cook for myself whilst I'm at Uni. It's incredibly simple, easy and quick but tastes delicious! This may not be a meal to everyone's taste but I'm sure some of you will enjoy it. The meal (if you hadn't guessed already) is Garlic Prawn Tagliatelle, and it only consists of 4 main ingredients and takes less then half an hour to prepare. Read on if you're interested in making this tasty meal, I listed the ingredients and instructions below. Just a disclaimer, I am not a chef, I'm just a student, so don't judge me for anything.

Ingredients (Shown above): 

Tagliatelle (or any pasta you want really)
Garlic Butter 
Frozen or Chilled Prawns 
Chilli Flakes 
Salt & Pepper (Optional) 

What You'll Need: 

Frying Pan/Wok 
Plate & Cutlery for serving & eating 

Firstly you need to start cooking your pasta in a saucepan. Tagliatelle is usually used but you can do this with any type of pasta you want. 

When your paste is around 5-10 minutes away from being cooked, get your frying pan or wok and start melting your garlic butter. The Garlic Butter I buy comes in sections so I usually out one section in now, which is 20g. 

When the butter is melted, I put in my Prawns and stir them into the butter and make sure they're covered, and then I pour in some chilli flakes, which are optional but definitely add to the flavour, I think they're essential in making this dish (don't worry they're not that spicy.)

Then you just need to strain add your cooked pasta into the pan or wok and stir it all together. I now add more garlic butter and a few more chilli flakes, and some salt and pepper to taste. Just stir it all until you're happy that it's all covered and cooked. 


After you've plated it up it's ready to eat. Obviously there are other herbs and ingredients that you can add to this dish to make it more to your taste, this is just my way of making it when I'm on a budget and want something tasty for dinner. 

Bon Appetite!

India X 


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