My 2018 Goals

I'm not really one for setting New Years resolutions, and I'm never one to sticking to rules I give myself, but I still like to start off the year with a few self reminders for the upcoming year, which is technically what this is. I'm not making any promises or rules to myself to keep to these 'goals' but I'm still setting them for myself to have a try at so I can have a happy, healthy and wonderful year. What are your views on New Years resolutions? Do any of you set yourself goals or resolutions? I would love to know in the comments what type of things you set for yourself. 

India X  

Drink More Water - I never drink enough water, and I always get super bad headaches, and it's most probably because I don't drink enough, so I thought it right to start drinking more water in the new Year. It can never hurt to drink too much water. 

Take More Photographs - Obviously I like taking photographs because I'm a photography student, but I want to start taking even more photographs, particularly of me and my friends and all the fun things we get up to, so I can print them off and keep them to remind me of all the good times I've had. 

Put Work First - I am such a procrastinator, which isn't a good thing, so putting my work first is obviously a sensible thing to do. I get distracted easily and I need to start focusing more on my uni work and try my hardest to stop procrastinating and distracting myself. 

Try New Food - I think I like a lot of food, I especially do compared to some people I know, who only ever eat plain and boring food, but I want to branch out and try some new, exciting food that I've never trued before. I'd quite like to try quinoa, kale and tofu.

Have Less Takeaways - Me and my boyfriend like to tempt each other into buying a Chinese or a Dominos, which is fine every now and again, but I want to stop having so many, so it's more of a treat rather than a solution when neither of us want to go and cook dinner. This also means we'll be saving our money, and also helps us try new foods together.

Listen To More New Music - I do listen to new music whenever I can, but I really want to start listening to new music on a regular basis, as I tend to listen to the same few songs all month and then I get insanely sick of them because I've played them so much. I want to stop that by just listening to more new music rather than the same 20 tracks all day. 

Get Up Earlier When Not Going To Uni - I tell myself every night that I want to be up earlier tomorrow morning, but I never. ever, ever get up when my alarm goes off. I really want to try harder this year to get up earlier when I don't have to go to uni, so I can start the day off earlier and feel more productive. 

Try To Leave The House Everyday - I hate not leaving the house some days, because I get bored quite easily and going outside is always interesting and that way I can at least go for a walk and stop the boredom for half an hour or so. I want to try and go out everyday whenever possible and take pictures or do something new. 

Keep To My Blogging Timetable - I set myself a new blogging timetable for this year, to post on Mondays and Fridays, along with a plan for the entire year of what blog posts I want to post. I'm really trying with this blog, and I think setting a timetable and plan for the year will really help me build some more readers and followers. 


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