My Favourite Healthy Snacks

January is the time for making a change and eating healthier, so I thought there was no better time to share a blog post with you about all my favourite healthy snacks and food items I like to eat when I don't want to consume too many calories. I'm a very lazy person so I like to eat things that don't involve too much preparation and are easy to get hold of, also being a student means I can't always buy the most luxurious items, so these snacks are cheap as well as easy, so there's really no downside to any of these! 

I know my taste of food won;t be the same as everyone else, but I hope there's something on this list for everyone. And I know these aren't all extremely healthy foods, but if anyone wants to make a change in their diet then these are a few easy, simple snacks that can replace some of your old, calorific snacks. 

India X 

Greek Yogurt - Greek yogurt is a really simple snack, but it's full of protein and calcium, and you can add so much too it to make it more filling. I like to add granola mix to mine, or you can add fresh and frozen fruit, or try honey to make it sweeter. Or you can add it to other things instead of other unhealthier options like mayonnaise. 

Soft Boiled Eggs - I love soft boiled eggs so much, especially with soldiers covered in butter and salt. The salt and the butter might not be too healthy, the eggs sure are and they're delicious and healthy, whether they're hard or soft boiled, poached or eggs benedict. 

Granola Mix - I always like to get this mag of granola mix from Morrisons that has granola pieces, almonds, chocolate chips and dried fruits, and I usually eat this with a yogurt, or I take a pot of it to uni to eat for lunch. I don't like nuts much so i'm happy tht this granola mix only contains almonds and that the little chocolate chips mask the nutty texture for me. 

Super Fruit Boost Tea - Sometimes when I feel a bit blah and I don't feel like drinking a coffee, I like to have one of these Tetley Blueberry & Raspberrry Super Fruit Boost Teas. It's sweeter than most teas like chamomile tea, and contains vitamins to help stop tiredness and fatigue and helps boost your metabolism. 

Fresh or Frozen Fruit - My favourite fresh fruits to eat are blueberries & raspberries, pineapple, kiwi and bananas, and I normally buy a bunch of fruit at a time so I can have a sort of fruit salad, or just a selection of fruit to take to uni with me. Frozen fruit in the summer is a good idea, especially berries and bananas because then you can make them into an instant smoothie without much prep. 

Corn on the Cob - Corn on the cob is yummy, and it's even more yummy when it's covered in butter (although then it's not so much a healthy snack). It's a good side to have with a meal if you want something healthy, whether it's on the cob or off. You can put corn in sandwiches with other fillings or in salad for a sweet crunch.

Smoothies/Smoothie Bowls - I love looking at pictures of smoothie bowls on Pinterest, but whenever I make them they never look as delicious. Anyway they're still easy to make with fresh or frozen fruit, milk or yogurt and other ingredients like seeds, honey and ice. You can either make an ordinary smoothie, or make a photogenic masterpiece and make a smoothie bowl with decorative fruits and seeds. 

Hummus and Veggie Sticks - Hummus is a good source of protein and fibre, is a good source iron to replace what's in meat if you're a vegetarian. With a selection of veggies to dip in hummus, like carrot sticks or celery, it makes a good snack to keep you full. You can also swap the veggies for pitta bread or crackers, or even spread the hummus in a sandwich if you want to try a new spread. 

Popcorn - Despite being a snack of TV or movie bingers, popcorn is actually a low in calories, high in fibre, whole grain snack. You can buy bags of low calorie popcorn, like this Metcalfes Skinny Popcorn, or you can buy popcorn kernels and pop them yourself and add whatever seasoning you like, such as sugar, salt, cheese or chili powder. 

Stuffed Peppers - This is more of a meal than a snack, but I;m going to mention it anyway. Stuffed peppers are fun, because you can experiment with different things in the pepper, I personally like mine stuffed with couscous and cheese and chili flakes. But you can put use tons of ingredients like rice, bacon and eggs or minced beef. 

Salad - Obviously salad is healthy, it's a salad, and most people are probably thinking that salad is boring, BUT there are hundreds of ways to spice up a salad, without adding unnecessary calories to your healthy lunch. You can add protein with chickpeas or soy nuts, or you can add healthy fats with sunflower seeds, or even add fruit like apple chunks or dried apricots or citrusy dressings. I like salad with bacon bits or croutons, and instead or bacon or chicken, I like prawns to make it more exciting. 

And if anyone cares, I have a Pinterest board here of a bunch of pictures of healthy foods, like smoothie bowls and juicy fruit, in case you'd rather look at healthy snacks instead of eat them 😉 


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