Cheap Dates & Days Out

I won't be with my boyfriend on Valentines Day this year so we're celebrating when we're back together again, but since neither of us have much money, we decided to just buy each other a small gift and a card. This got me thinking about cheap things we could do on Valentines day, and I came up with a list of some really cheap, or even free, activities that couples, or just any group of people really, could do when they're broke. I compiled them into two sections; Going out and Staying in, I'm not sure why I just thought it would be easier that way . I know I definitely enjoy doing most of these activities, with my friends or my boyfriend, so I'm sure that others will also get some inspiration for when they're broke and bored. 
I also hope everyone had a good valentines day, whether you were with your partner or if you're a single pringle. 

India X 

Going Out:

The Cinema - If you're both into movies then this could be a good idea. You can both decide on a movie together, or just take it in turns to pick a movie each time you go if there's nothing you both want to see. But if you're trying to save money maybe just share a small popcorn and a drink. 

Bowling - Bowling isn't for everyone but having a couple of games is definitely up some couples streets. If you're a competitive couple then this might not be a great idea, but otherwise it could be a really fun and cheap afternoon for you both, and there's normally air hockey or pool at bowling alleys if you have an extra pound to spare. 

Picnic - This is a cute idea for the warmer months. Make some tasty food at home and grab a blanket and go sit somewhere nice, like the park, the beach or even in the garden. You can bring cakes or sandwiches or pizza, anything you want, but try not to pick a day where it's going to rain, that won't be a good date. 

Going for a Walk - Walking isn't as boring as some people think, it can be quite adventurous, especially if you're walking somewhere new. Enjoy the scenery together, look out for things you've never noticed before or take a camera and take so e photographs of what you say. walking with someone you love can be very relaxing, and it's totally free!  

Drive somewhere new - If one of you has a car then you should definitely try this one. Just get in the car together and go for a scenic drive and find somewhere new, it doesn't have to be far, or you could just go for a drive nowhere in particular and park the car up somewhere nice and watch the wold around you. 

Rollerskating - Rollerskating is such a cute little date activity and makes for great memories. You can hold hands while skating around in circles, but it's hilarious when one of you loses balance and ends up on the floor. If you have a roller rink near you then this is prime date location for you. 

Swimming Pool -  By swimming, I really mean lazing around an outside pool in the middle of summer on a sun lounger with someone you love. Or you could actually go swimming in a pool together, both are romantic and fun. If you have access to an outside pool though, I'd definitely grab your guy and have a relaxing day poolside with a delicious cocktail. 

McDonalds Date - If you're just hungry and definitely cannot splash out on a big dinner at a fancy restaurant, then you should just have a McDonalds date. You can get sooo much more food for the same price as a salad at a nice restaurant, you don't HAVE to spend £10 on burgers and chips and nuggets and McFlurries instead of a salad, but it's nice to know you could. Make sure your partner doesn't think you're cheap for doing this, but honestly if he doesn't love this then maybe he isn't for you. 

Museum - If you guys are both really into history or art then you should go to a museum together, which are usually free or ask for a small donation to enter. There are lots of different ones to chose from; Art museum, Natural history museum, Science museum or any period of history museum. This can be educational to you both as well as a cute day out. 

Staying In:

Movie Marathon - If there's a movie or a TV show you both want to watch, then set aside a night to have a movie or TV marathon. If you have Netflix then this will be nearly free for you, but if not you may have to spend out to buy or rent the movie you want to watch, but if you have streaming service then you'll have plenty to watch. Grab a bowl or popcorn, dim the lights and press play. 

Home Spa - You could totally take advantage of your boyfriend and have a spa night together, do face masks and paint his nails, or have a relaxing bath and give each other a massage with some candles lit and some mellow music to set the mood. This is super romantic and easy and cheap and is a great way to relax and unwind together. 

Cooking Dinner - Not everyone likes to cook, but experimenting in the kitchen with your partner could lead to you creating something very delicious. Prepare a romantic meal together or try baking a cake or biscuits, and then enjoy eating it together afterwards. 

Camp in the Garden - This is such a great idea if you have a big enough garden and can get your hands on a tent. Set up camp in the back garden with plenty of food and blankets and torches, take some things to do like card games or roast some marshmallows on a stick and make s'mores. You also have the added bonus of having your house right there and having your own toilet to pee in. 


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