Why I Started Blogging

Since starting my blog last January, I've had a lot of fun coming up with blog posts and writing them up each week (apart from a chunk of last year during the summer where I sort of got side tracked from blogging). So a year on I wanted to write a post about why I started blogging, which I briefly went over in my introductory blog post. 

The real reason I started blogging was because I was bored. Since starting uni in 2016 I had some spare time on my hand and I found I got rather bored when I wasn't working on uni projects and when my boyfriend wasn't around. For our Cultural Studies class at uni, we had to start a blog on Blogger and each week write a blog post about what we had been lectured on that week, or we had to write about a task we had been given, which after being quite confusing for the first few weeks, actually ended up being quite enjoyable. After the first semester was over, we had stopped using out blogs and started on essay writing instead, and I decided I would make a new Blogger account and start blogging about things that interested me more, not that I didn't LOVE writing about Noam Chomsky the Industrial Revolution. 

So that is the real reason I decided to create this blog... I was bored. And although I clearly had better things to do last summer, this year I plan to post twice a week for the entire year. That may seem optimistic with all the photography projects and essays and trips back home and to Brighton, but I am going to try my hardest to stick to blogging twice a week, so watch this space. 

I wonder if any of the big name bloggers today started because they were bored too? Not that i'm expecting this to go anywhere, I just do it for my own entertainment purposes really, but I'm pleased that people actually take the time to read these silly little blog posts.

Maybe next year i'll share some more secrets about this blog for the 2nd anniversary of IndieRosePsycho.blogspot.co.uk 😜 Hope you all enjoyed this short blog post, and maybe one of you will find yourself a little bored and make a Blogger account of your own. 

India X 


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