Blog Post Ideas

There have been times when I've had absolutely no idea what to write about on my blog, and I've had to resort to googling ideas or scrawling down Pinterest for ideas. I used to write lists of ideas I had to look through when I was having one of these writers block moments, but at the beginning of this year I planned out all of my blog pots for this year so that I didn't had to worry about not having ideas again. I thought it might be interesting to share some of the ideas I had when writing my lists and planning out all my blog posts; I wanted to share these for other bloggers who may be having writers block, as I found it helpful reading other bloggers ideas on what to write about. I hope this helps or inspires someone that's a little stuck on what to blog about, I know I would have found it useful a year ago.

Beauty and Fashion Blog Posts

Review a beauty product.
Do a makeup tutorial. 
Pick your all time favourite beauty products, or perhaps some disappointing beauty products you've purchased. 
Do a beauty or clothing haul blog post. 
Do an outfit of the day blog post. 
Write about makeup or clothes organisation. 
Write about a collection you have, e.g. lipstick, nail varnish, shoes. 
Share your morning or night time routine. 
Write a what's in my handbag or makeup bag blog post.
Share your beauty or fashion wish list. 

Movies, Books and Music Blog Posts

Write about your favourite movies, books, songs or albums. 
Share one of your playlist, e.g. Summer playlist, morning playlist, workout playlist. 
Review a new movie, book or song.
Write about your favourite musicians or bands. 
Share your favourite quotes from a movie or books. 

Food Blog Posts

Write about your favourite meals or beverages. 
Share a recipe you like to cook. 
Share your daily or weekly food diary. 
Share your favourite places to eat out. 

Other Blog Posts 

Write 10 reasons why you love something. 
Write about a collection you have, e.g. stationary, candles. 
Share a D.I.Y project. 
Who are some people that inspire/influence you. 
Share your bucket list. 
Write about where you live or things to do in your area. 
Write a 10 things you don't know about me blog post. 
Write about places you've visited or places you want to visit. 
Write a monthly favourites blog post. 
Share some of your favourite bloggers. 
Write about blog post ideas for other bloggers. 

Thank you for reading my list of blog post ideas. 

India X 


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