My Makeup Organisation

Today I want to let everyone in to how I organise my makeup. I love reading blog posts or watching Youtube videos about makeup organisation, and although my organisation isn't anywhere near as cool and satisfying as many other I've seen, I'm going to go ahead and blog about it anyway. I actually love buying new makeup and finding a new place in my drawer for it, although this usually takes some time and a lot of reorganisation. I'm not going to talk about what makeup or products I own, just the way I organise everything on my dressing table. 

This is what my dressing table looks like, all of my makeup is stored in or on this dressing table. 

Firstly, I have a pot with all my makeup brushes in front of my mirror, I also keep my tweezers, nail files and a few other bits and pieces in this pot. I keep all these things here just for easy access, so I can easily grab my makeup brushes when doing my makeup. 

Next is the drawer, this is where all of my actual makeup products are kept. I like to keep everything really neat and tidy, which really pleases me when I look at it. I tend to use small boxes that I've cut up to keep my products organised, that way I cut can them and measure them to fit any part of the drawer I want. I should probably buy an actual makeup organiser drawer thingy but I'm not gonna, I'm good with how it's all organised at the moment. 

I keep a makeup bag at the top of the drawer, which contains my current makeup,, like the eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow palette that I a currently using the most, that way I don't have to rummage around y drawer to find the products I need. I also use this bag to put all my makeup in when I travel or need to take my makeup somewhere. 

Over on the right hand side in the first cardboard box I have, are all my makeup sponges, beauty blenders and my setting spray, I keep this layer on top of another cardboard box, so I have more space for things underneath. On the second layer I have all of my foundations, primers and concealers, I kind of have these organised as in all the concealers are together and my most used foundations are the most accessible ones to get to and aren't shoved under all the concealers.  


All the way over on the left I have another box which I keep my most used eyeshadow palettes in, I keep them upright rather than laying them down flat so I have more space and they're easy to grab out of the drawer. Behind this I have a few more older palettes that I don't use much along with some singular eyeshadows, which I just have stacked up together. 

In the middle of the drawer is where I keep all of my highlighters, bronzers, powders and a blush stick, this is the part I like organising the most as I like shuffling everything around and getting it all to fit in place, this can be a real struggle sometimes. I like to try and keep all the highlighters together, the bronzers together etc. I also have two NYX liquid eyeliners here, a white one and a purple one, which I keep in their boxes because why not. 

At the very back of my drawer, I have three sections/boxes, the first one has s few more singular eyehadows and blushers. The second contains all of my eyeliners, both pencil and liquid as well as an eyeliner pencil sharpener; I tend to keep my most used ones on the top or in my makeup bag. In the last box over on the right, I keep all other bits of makeup that I have, like white facepaint, fake blood, spare brushes, a few more sponges and nail clippers.

That is the whole of my makeup drawer, you might have noticed that there weren't any lipsticks there, and that is because I keep them all separate from the rest of my makeup. I have a cute little picket fence box thingy that I got from Tiger, originally to keep all of my cacti in but then I decided to move it over to my dressing table and store all of the lipsticks here. I like to keep them all neatly lined up and I hate when I accidentally knock them all over. I keep all the liquid lipsticks lined up at the back and all of the regular lipsticks in front of them. In the cute cardboard container I like to keep all of my lip liners, lip crayons and a lip gloss. 

That is pretty much is for my makeup organisation, I like to keep it all neat and tidy at all times, and it can get messy quite quickly if I can't be bothered to put everything back in the right place when I've finished using it. In the future I might do a blog post about how I store and organise other products like skincare, shower products or nail varnishes. Leave a comment if there's anything you want to see me blog about!

India X 


  1. Obsessed with this!! Love seeing how people organise makeup as it really is aesthetically pleasing!


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