My Winter Night Routine

On cold winter nights, I like to take some time to take care of myself, especially if my skin is dry and I'm feeling a little under the weather. It might be coming onto spring, but it's been a cold couple of weeks with the weather being as it is, so I wanted to share my winter night routine. This is what I do on probably an every other night basis during the winter, as I like to keep my skin hydrated and clean and fresh. The routine varies when the seasons change and depending what I do on certain days, but this is pretty much a standard nightly routine for me. I've linked all the products that I've used if anyone wants to check them out or purchase anything. Now onto my nightly routine...

To start off the routine, I jump in the shower after already removing my make up if i'm wearing any.  I'll wash my hair as usual using whatever shampoo and conditioner I have on the go, I have a Favourite Shower Products blog post if you want to check out what products I love using. I'll then wash my face, I used the Codage Scrubbing Cream to exfoliate my face, to remove any dead, flaky skin from my face. I then wash my body with my beloved Snow Fairy Shower Gel from Lush, I wash with a body scrubber just to clean my body and exfoliate any dead skin away. I'll also brush my teeth while I'm in the shower to freshen my mouth. 

When I'm finished washing, I jump out the shower and dry myself off with a towel and then dry my hair and just put it up out the way. The next thing I move onto is my face, which I start by using some Clinique Take The Day Off Make Up Remover on a cotton pad. I know I've already removed my make up by this point but sometimes it still remains around my eyes and I just like to cleanse my face with it and remove anything that's stuck on my face. My next step is to apply some Nip & Fab Glycolic Fix Serum, which improves skin texture and fine lines on the face. After this I moisturise my face with the Nivea Creme, as it's thick and oily, which is what I like to use in the winter to keep my face hydrated all night, most other moisturisers I have are much lighter and absorb quickly. Lastly for my face I'll apply some lip balm to keep my lips hydrated and free from dry flaky bits. I'm currently using the Cowshed Lippy Cow Lip Balm, which is a very natural, oily consistency which helps keep my lips hydrated all night, I usually apply this right before I go to sleep too. 

After I've finished my skincare for my face, I'll apply some body lotion all over my body, currently I'm loving the Wilko Fruits Passionfruit & Melon Body Lotion as it's enriched with shea butter which is great for dry skin; it's also super cheap and smells so yummy. After applying this all over my body and getting into a pair of comfy pajamas and warm socks, I'll apply some Zoella Winter Wonder Hand onto my hands, as they become so dry and irritated in the cold weather and I like to keep them moisturised constantly.  

Now that I am all clean, warm and moisturised, I'll jump into bed with a movie, youtube or whatever to keep my entertained until it's time to go to sleep. Before I do lay down though I'll spritz some This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray onto my pillow to help me doze off. 

That is pretty much it for my winter night routine. I hope you all enjoyed this blog post, I'll possibly do a summer night routine and a morning routine some time this year too so keep an eye out if you're interested. Thanks for reading guys, see you back here next week for the next blog post!

India X 


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