What I Love About Easter

I think it's safe to say that we've had all the snow we're going to get this year and it's finally turning into spring, and that means it's nearly Easter! Easter is a really cute holiday, with lots of baby animals, pastel decor and tons of yummy chocolate around. I wanted to share some of the things that I love about Easter; I might be a little too old for egg hunts now but there are still ways that we can still enjoy this spring holiday. 

One of the main reasons I love Easter is because it means it's finally spring! After months of bitter, cold and wet weather, Easter is a reminder that spring is on it's way and the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. One of my favourite things to do at this time of year is go out with my camera and take lots of pretty blossom photos to post on in my Instagram. Springs arrival brings baby animals, blooming flowers and the feeling that it's not too long until summer. 

Easter treats are another reason I love Easter, and sure they're not the same as Christmas gingerbread, but you know you love making cute little Easter nest cakes topped with Cadbury Mini eggs. There are lots of other easy Easter bakes to try, like Cream Egg topped cupcakes or marshmallow rice krispie squares, all of which are very Easter-esque and extremely simple to make. But some treats involve no making whatsoever, all you need to do to get your hands on some delicious Easter yummies from the supermarket. I'm blown away each year at how weird and wonderful some of the Easter eggs are, like this Dragon Egg Easter Egg from Morrisons or this rather strange Thomas the Tank Engine egg from M&S. I'll always love some of the regular Easter eggs, like the Cadbury Caramel or Cadbury Crunchie, mostly because they come with my favourite chocolate, not so much because they come with a plain, hollow chocolate egg. 

I've noticed that Easter is now turning into Christmas, with all the products and gimmicks I see in the shops, like Easter crackers and Easter themed foods, but I have enjoy some of the Easter themed products this year. Being a big lover of Lush cosmetics, I obviously adore the Lush Easter goodies; this year I've especially enjoyed the Cream Egg bubble bar and the Free Rangers bath bomb, but there's such a big selection of Easter and spring lush goodies to choose from. Some Easter food I've really enjoyed this month are crumpets, but not just regular old crumpets, these Bunny Shaped Crumpets from Morrisons (I believe ASDA do these too). These bunny crumpets make me feel very Eastery when I eat them and I almost wish these were sold all year round, as well as the Christmas tree shaped crumpets. I also really enjoy Galaxy Golden Eggs which unfortunately are also only sold at Easter, which is a bummer because they are delish. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about some of the things I love about Easter, I'd love to know what some of your favourite things about Easter are. I hope everyone has a good Easter weekend and gets lots and lots of chocolate eggs!

India X 


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