My 10 Feel Good Songs

Today I wanted to share with you all my top 10 feel good songs; 10 songs that I love listening to and that always put me in a good mood when I'm in need of a musical pick-me-up. It was hard picking just 10 songs because there are hundreds of songs to choose from, but I eventually narrowed it down the my absolute favourite feels good songs. Carry on reading this blog post if you what to know what they are...

Lost In Stereo - All Time Low 

Obviously my favourite song ever is top of my feel good songs list because it always makes me feel good. This song is loud and fast and it is everything I want out of a feel good song; I can't hear it without bursting into song because it just always puts me in the right mood. 

Do I wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys 

Something about this song always makes me feel really really reeeeeally good. There's something about Alex's vocals, the drum beat and the effortlessly sexy guitar riffs, it just makes my brain melt a little but I always feel excited when I listen to it. I always have this song on repeat, just like it says in the song "There's this tune I found that makes me thin of you somehow and I play it on repeat". 

Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne 

Nearly every Avril Lavigne song makes me feel good so it was a bit of a struggle choosing just one for my list but this track definitely always makes me feel good. It's a ridiculously catchy, full of energy, up beat track that never fails to make me want to sing and dance around like a cheerleader. 

I'm Still Here - John Rzeznik

This is a track from my favourite Disney movie, Treasure Planet, a very underrated movie with an incredibly amazing song by John Rzeznik. The song itself is about finding yourself and that's a pretty great theme for a feel good song, because it has a strong, positive meaning behind it which can be a really good motivator. 

The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy 

This abrasive FOB track is loud and heavy with pounding drums and insane guitar riffs. The drums really get me pumped and Patrick's amazing vocals are loud and aggressive. No one can hear this tune without stomping their feet, it's just impossible, and that's why it's such a feel good song, because you just can't listen to it without stomping along. 

Missing You - All Time Low 

This track by All Time Low means a lot to me, I can't help but stop and smile every time I hear it. This song can definitely get me pumped but it can also break me down depending on how I'm feeling, but I'm including it in this list because when it pumps me up, it reeeeally get's me in a good mood, more so than any other song on this list. It sort of makes me feel invincible.  

Girls - The 1975 

This track is a catchy combination of pop and rock, very boppy with catchy lyrics and funky guitar. It feels very light and happy and easy to listen to; It's a very good song to get you into a good mood. 

Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys 

This is probably my favourite Arctic Monkeys tune, It has some amazing guitar riffs and I find it very nostalgic. I have this song set for my morning alarm so I can start the day off hearing this amazing, it really gets me pumped; sometimes instead of turning the alarm off I just let it play so I can hear this greate tun

Supersonic - Oasis 

This is one of my favourite Oasis tracks, it has fuzzy guitars and a pretty addictive hook, and how can Liam Gallagher's voice not make you feel pumped up and ready to go. This song definitely puts me in a happier mood when I need a lift and gives me a little energy boost. 

Fairly Local - Twenty One Pilots 

This is an bold, eerie track with some intense bass drums and a lot of bite. This is probably the darkest song on this list, but it's a fab track, one of my favourite TOP songs because of the intense sound and dark lyrics. This is a weird choice for a feel good song but this track really goes something to my brain to really get me pumped and energized. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading my top 10 feel good songs. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

India X 


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