Regret Purchases

When you buy a lot of makeup, you do come across a few products that don't quite live up to their expectation, which is unfortunate when you've spent out money on something that isn't what you expected it to be. Although the products I listed below haven't worked for me, doesn't mean that other might find that they work perfectly fine for them and maybe I just purchased it from a dodgy batch. I'm happy to say that this is a short list, so many of the products I do buy live up to their expectations, so without delay, her are a few beauty products that I regret purchasing over the last couple of years.

Collection Naturally Matte Foundation - This Collection foundation has never worked for me, it's always been the wrong shade, but it's hard to believe that anyone would be that shade, as it's a weird orange shade. Being the third shade in the range I thought it would be a lot paler when I purchased it, but was disappointed when \I tried it out and I looked like a pumpkin. Besides this foundation being the wrong colour, I'm not a fan of the formula, it doesn't blend very easily, it goes very patchy and sticks to any dry areas of skin, which draws more attention to the strange colour. Not really a fan of this foundation. 

Glow In The Dark Lipstick - I know this glow in the dark lipstick isn't technically a real beauty product and it's just a bit of fun, but it's not very fun when it doesn't work. I just thought this would be cool for the summer or something but what I tested it out after I got it, it gave off a slight glow for maybe a minute and that was it. Along with the lack of glow, it's a horrible greasy consistency, and it gives off a weird green colour, which is understandable as it's a green lipstick, but if you have bare lips or you're wearing it over another lip colour, it makes your lips look kind of mouldy. 

MUA Matte Liquid Eyeliner - I bought this eyeliner quite a while ago after the one I was using ran out, and I just thought I'd try a new one. This liquid eyeliner worked fine for about a week, but after that I noticed that the product seemed to be running out already! I'd used it about 5 or 6 times and was struggling to get any product out, and what I was getting out seemed clumpy and hard, like it had dried out, which it hadn't. Very disappointed with how quickly it lasted. 

Zoella Kissy Missy Lip Balm - I got this Zoella lip balm because it was 3 for 2 on Zoella products in Superdrug and it was the only product cheaper than the products I was buying. Because the rest of the Zoella ranges have been so good, I expected better from this lip balm, but I absolutely hate it. The formula is horrible and sticky and feels icky on the lips, it reminds me of fake lip balms I had as a child that came is kids makeup sets. I also hate the colour, as it's tinted, it's a pinky-purple colour but it doesn't look very good with my skin tone. 

Nails Inc Alexa Leather Black Nail Polish - This black nail polish is supposed to have a 'leather' effect when applied to your nails, and I saw some pictures of what it should look like on your nails, but when I applied it, it just seemed weird and bumpy and just not very leathery. It just wasn't the look I wanted, I was quite disappointed when I tried it out, bit after I applied a matte top coat, it filled in all the bumps and dried smooth so this nail polish wasn't a total waste. 

MUA Eye Define Liner - Similarly to the liquid eyeliner, i also found this MUA felt liner ran out very quickly. This one lasted maybe 2-3 weeks before the product started to run out, which I feel is just not long enough for a felt liner. I do like the application nib, it allows both thin and thick lines because of the special nib. 

Seventeen Berry Crush Lip Stain - Since the first time I used this product I've found that it just doesn't apply very well; on my first use I applied the stain to my bottom lip and it worked fine, nive colour and consistency, but when I tried to apply it to my top lip, it was as if nothing was coming out of it at all. This has happened nearly every time I've used it: applies fine to my bottom lip but seems to run out when I apply it to my top lip. I still use this product sometimes because I really like to colour and how subtle it looks, but it takes a lot of effort to get it to apply smoothly over both my lips. 

I'm glad to see how few products have actually disappointed me, and hopefully I won't have to make another regret purchase post. Just because I personally don't enjoy these products, doesn't mean you shouldn't go and try them out yourself if you think it's something you want or will work for you. 

India X 


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