My Necklace Collection

I have a lot of necklaces, and to be honest I only ever wear about 5 of them, but after recently organising through some of my stuff I cam upon all of them and have decided I want to start wearing some of them more often. Most of the necklaces I own are not what you might call a 'traditional' necklace; they are not fancy or expensive or have nice silver and gold chains and glamorous pendants hanging from them. The type of necklaces that I own are punky and original, think Halloween-y and alternative (much like the rest of the clothes and accessories I own). I remember buying a few of these from Claire's Accessories back in the day, and I still have some cool ones in my collection which I really do want to start wearing more. Nowadays I just tend to buy alternative necklaces from Amazon or Etsy, but for regular jewellery I tend to just go to Primark. I have listed all the necklaces in my collection on the blog post, and I have linked as many of the necklaces that I could find if someone was interested in buying any. Click on the link below to check out the blog post!

Thank you guys , don't forget to leave me a comment. 
India X 


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