My Goals For 2019

It's hard to believe that it is now 2019, and how the last 12 months went by so quickly and to be honest it still feels like 2014 in my head. I'm not usually one for making and sticking to unrealistic goals each year, because I know I'll never stick to them, but this year I've come up with a few practical goals to try and stick to to make sure this year is better than the last, with less stress and less mess. There is no point in my trying to buy less takeaway or learn to play guitar because it's very unlikely to happen and by the end of this year it won't even matter whether I can play a few chords or saved myself £20 instead of buying a Chinese. It matters to me that this year isn't wasted and that I do something productive everyday and keep on top of things because that's where I usually fail. Click on the link below to check out my goals for the new year.

Thanks everyone!


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